Manafort and Mueller Teams Meet

News  |  Oct 1, 2018

Politico reports Paul Manafort is meeting with Robert Mueller's team, based on seeing Richard Westling and Tom Zehnle, two of Manafort's lawyers, speaking with lead prosecutor Andrew Weissmann outside the special counsel's Washington, DC office Monday.

The men parted ways to buy lunch and then were seen returning with their food to the secure building where the special counsel’s team is headquartered.

Manafort pleaded guilty last month to charges of conspiracy against the United States and conspiracy to obstruct justice and agreed to cooperate with government and law enforcement officials "fully, truthfully, completely, and forthrightly." 

Sentencing for the longtime GOP operative is not scheduled to occur until after the November midterms, with a joint written report from the special counsel and Manafort’s lawyers due Nov. 16.


[Manafort] exchanged emails with other campaign aides about then-foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulous’ efforts to arrange a meeting between Trump and Russian officials. He also attended the 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised dirt on Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

Trump, his lawyers and allies have nonetheless downplayed the guilty plea, saying the information Manafort is providing to the special counsel has no bearing on the president. 

“I believe that he will tell the truth. And if he tells the truth, no problem,” the president told reporters last month.

Manafort meets with Mueller prosecutors (Politico)