Judiciary Dems Want Mueller to Have Trump Jr. Transcript

News  |  Jan 24, 2018

Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, are urging Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) to make Donald Trump Jr.'s September 7, 2017 testimony available to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, if not the public. 


"I think all these transcripts should be released — it's just a question of how and when," Blumenthal said in a recent interview. "And the Donald Trump Jr. interview transcript will be explosive when it sees the light of day."

Whitehouse agreed in a recent interview, saying that senators "also need to rethink, if there isn’t going to be a public hearing, why would we not release that transcript? And under any circumstances, why would we not let Bob Mueller have access to it?"

Whitehouse and Blumenthal bolster their request by reminding Senator Grassley that he, along with Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC), referred former British intelligence officer and dossier author Christopher Steele "to the FBI for criminal investigation into possible false statements."

"You have stated publicly that you believe it is important for the Special Counsel to carry his investigation through to completion and determine the facts," the Democratic duo wrote to Grassley. "It is hard to see how withholding the transcripts achieves that goal."

"The transcripts of congressional testimony may reveal other, and better-founded, concerns about witness false statements," they wrote.

Full story: Judiciary Democrats want to share Trump Jr. testimony with Mueller (Politico)